
Acciona, en su línea de negocio de construcción, precisa la incorporación de un/una Técnico/a de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales para importante proyecto de obra civil en Cantabria. Se ocupará de la gestión de la Prevención de riesgos laborales en la obra tanto en la vertiente de obra subterránea, industrial y obra civil.

Descripción del puesto:

Mission: Implement the assigned parts of the project within his/her unit/department, in keeping with established procedure, facilitating compliance with established deadlines and coordinating the necessary resources (human and material), so as to contribute to significantly improving the project. This sub-function is responsible for all activities related with the safety and health of the company’s workers. Its duties include: recognition and assessment of risks of occupational accidents and illnesses, control of risks at the workplace or working facilities, training on risk prevention and dissemination of the importance of this prevention, recording of information and analysis of information, advising and technical support to the company’s employees.

Requisitos del candidato:

  • -Ingeniero/a Técnico/a o Superior.
  • -Máster en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales.
  • -Experiencia mínima de 5 años como técnico de PRL en grandes proyectos de obra civil.